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Gabim Titulli: Lajme nga bota Islame

Mediat Amerikane dhe Dioqeza e Detroit reagojne ndaj Kcires
Selamu alejkum,

Pas reagimeve te shumta te shqiptaro-amerikaneve prane mediave, kishes katolike amerikane, dhe CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations, organizata me e madhe myslimane e mbrojtjes se te drejtave te njeriut ne SHBA) ka reaguar me ne fund Kisha Katolike e Detroit duke u distancuar nga komentet e Dom Anton Kcires e duke e detyruar kete te fundit qe te incizoje nje video ku ai kerkon falje e shpreh keqardhje per fjalet e tij...
Burimet e ketij lajmi thone se ai eshte pezulluar tashme dhe do te zevendesohet si prift ne Kishen Katolike Shqiptare te Shen Palit ne Micigan...

Falenderojme te gjithe ata qe kane reaguar qe kjo padrejtesi e madhe te korrigjohet.

Me poshte keni nje artikull nga Detroit News dhe linkun e dy vidjove te reja te Kcires ku ai kerkon falje...

Shperndajeni kete lajm ne te gjitha mediat tuaja lokale



Catholic priest called ethnic war victims 'dogs'
Local religious leaders upset by videotaped remarks against Bosnia, Kosovo populations
Oralandar Brand-Williams / The Detroit News

Rochester Hills -- A local Catholic priest is at the center of an international controversy after a tape of him calling victims of a massacre during President Slobodan Milosevic's regime "dogs" went viral.

The Rev. Anton Kcira, pastor of St. Paul Albanian Catholic Church, is seen in a 2007 videotape making offensive remarks in Albanian about people killed during the reign of former Serbian and Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic, who was accused of genocide of Bosnian Muslims and Albanians in Kosovo.

The videotape was recently released by an unidentified person who shot it at an event in Metro Detroit in 2007 attended by Albanian-Americans.

In the video, Kcira says, with English subtitles, "Milosevic should have done to the 1,900,000 dogs in Kosovo what he did to the 260,000 dogs in Srebrenica."

Local Muslim activists say the remarks are references tocrimes against the Muslim population of Bosnia and the majority Muslim population of Kosovo.

Kcira was recorded shortly after the arrests of three ethnic Albanian men who were charged with and later convicted in a plot to attack the military base in Fort Dix, N.J.

In the tape Kcira appears frustrated that the three men have betrayed the United States by planning a terrorist attack on a U.S. military base.

The Archdiocese of Detroit was contacted recently by many in the Albanian community about Kcira's remarks.

"The Archdiocese did look into the situation and Father Kcira himself took another look at the tape," said Joe Kohn, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Detroit, which released a videotaped apology by Kcira on Friday night to YouTube, which can be seen here in English or here in Albanian.

Kcira did not return phone calls from The Detroit News.

But the Archdiocese did ask Kcira for a written statement out of "deep concern over the conflict and confusion" created in Catholic and Muslim communities over the remarks.

"I respect people of the Muslim faith, and see the relationship between Catholic Christians and Muslims as one based on a common pursuit of peace and good will," said Kcira in a statement released Saturday by the Archdiocese of Detroit. "I pray that what I said will not, in any way, hurt or compromise the valuable relationship between the two religions. And, I trust a regrettable outburst of anger will not diminish all of the projects our faith communities have supported and worked on together over the years, or damage our relationships going forward."

In a text of the archdiocese videotape, Kcira says he used "provocative names" to describe the massacre victims.

"That wasn't right," he says. "That was my anger talking ... not my heart."

Kcira further adds: "In expressing my anger, I used what an English teacher would call hyperbole, an exaggeration used for effect ... to make my point."

Kohn added that Kcira, who has been pastor of St. Paul's Albanian Catholic Church for the past two decades, has done a lot of work in the Albanian community and has "earned the respect" of Albanians across interfaith lines.

Dawud Walid, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Michigan said Kcira owes the Albanian- Muslim community in Metro Detroit an apology and that actions should be taken against the priest by his superiors.

"He should be sanctioned for this irreligious speech," said Walid. "We've received complaints about him before going back to 2008."

Walid added that "in no way do we think this one pastor represents the sentiments of the Archdiocese of Detroit."

"We've always had good relations with them," added Walid.

Imam Shuaib Gerguri of the Albanian American Muslim Society of Detroit, based in Harper Woods, said, "People are angry (over Kcira's remarks) and it's not just Muslims."

"I'm trying to understand myself what people did to him for him to call them dogs," said Gerguri, who said he had close family members and friends who were killed by the Milosevic regime.

Gerguri urged Kcira to apologize as soon as possible.

"This kind of language is unaccepted by any religion," Gerguri said.

[email protected] (313) 222-2027

From The Detroit News:

Kcira Apology in English

Kcira Apology in Albanian

Written Statement:

La ilahe il-lall-llah - Nuk ka Zot tjetėr pėrveē Allahut !

Herėn e fundit ėshtė Redaktuar nga Makresh : 14-03-10 nė 18:51
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