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BB Code
BB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. The ability to use BB code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator, so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message.

Below is a list of the BB code tags you can use to format your messages.
BB Code List
[b], [i], [u] Bold / Italic / Underline
[color] Ngjyrat
[size] Size
[font] Font
[highlight] Highlight
[left], [right], [center] Left / Right / Qėndra
[indent] Indent
[email] Email Linking
[url] URL Hyperlinking
[thread] Thread Linking
[post] Post Linking
[list] Bulleted Lists / Lista E Pėrparuar
[img] Images
[code] Kodi
[php] Kodet PHP
[html] Kodi HTML
[quote] Citim
[noparse] Stop BB Code Parsing
[attach] Skedarėt e Bashkėngjitur
[youtube] YouTube BB Code
Incorrect BB Code Usage:
  • [url] [/url] - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
  • [email][email protected][email] - the end brackets must include a forward slash ([/email])

Bold / Italic / Underline
The [b], [i] Dhe [u] Tags Ju Lejon Te Krijon Text Me Bold, Italic Dhe Underlines.
Usage [b]value[/b]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [b]this text is bold[/b]
[i]this text is italic[/i]
[u]this text is underlined[/u]
Shembull OutPut this text is bold
this text is italic
this text is underlined

The [color] Tag Lejon Ju Qė Tė Ndryshoni Ngjyrat E Textit Tuaj
Usage [color=Opcion]value[/color]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [color=blue]this text is blue[/color]
Shembull OutPut this text is blue

The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text.
Usage [size=Opcion]value[/size]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size]
Shembull OutPut this text is two sizes larger than normal

The [font] tag allows you to change the font of your text.
Usage [font=Opcion]value[/font]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font]
Shembull OutPut this text is in the courier font

The [highlight] tag allows you to emphasize your text.
Usage [highlight]value[/highlight]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [highlight]this text is highlighted[/highlight]
Shembull OutPut this text is highlighted

Left / Right / Qėndra
The [left], [right] and [center] tags allow you to change the alignment of your text.
Usage [left]value[/left]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [left]this text is left-aligned[/left]
[center]this text is center-aligned[/center]
[right]this text is right-aligned[/right]
Shembull OutPut
this text is left-aligned
this text is center-aligned
this text is right-aligned

The [indent] tag allows you to indent your text.
Usage [indent]value[/indent]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [indent]this text is indented[/indent]
Shembull OutPut
this text is indented

Email Linking
The [email] tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [email]value[/email]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [email][email protected][/email]
[[email protected]]Click Here to Email Me[/email]
Shembull OutPut [email protected]
Click Here to Email Me

URL Hyperlinking
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [url]value[/url]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [url][/url]
Shembull OutPut

Thread Linking
The [thread] tag allows you to link to threads by specifying the thread id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [thread]threadid[/thread]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [thread]42918[/thread]
[thread=42918]Kliko Mua![/thread]
(Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.)
Shembull OutPut
Kliko Mua!

Post Linking
The [post] tag allows you to link to posts by specifying the post id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [post]postid[/post]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [post]269302[/post]
[post=269302]Kliko Mua![/post]
(Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.)
Shembull OutPut
Kliko Mua!

Bulleted Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the [*] tag.
Usage [list]value[/list]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [list]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Shembull OutPut
  • list item 1
  • list item 2

Lista E Pėrparuar
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list).
Usage [list=Opcion]value[/list]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [list=1]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2

[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Shembull OutPut
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2

The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to make images become links.
Usage [img]value[/img]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [img][/img] (Not linked)

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Linked)
Shembull OutPut (Not linked)


The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width (monospace) font and preserves all spacing.
Usage [code]value[/code]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [code]
<script type="text/javascript">
    alert("Hello world!");
Shembull OutPut
<script type="text/javascript">
	alert("Hello world!");

Kodet PHP
The [php] tag performs the same function as the [code] tag, but also adds syntax highlighting for PHP code. Although it is designed for PHP, it may correctly highlight some other C-like languages.
Usage [php]value[/php]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [php]
$myvar = 'Hello World!';
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
    echo $myvar . "\n";
Shembull OutPut
Kodet PHP:
$myvar 'Hello World!';
for (
$i 0$i 10$i++)
$myvar "\n";

The [html] tag allows you to perform syntax highlighting for HTML code.
Usage [html]value[/html]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [html]
<img src="image.gif" alt="image" />
<a href="testing.html" target="_blank">Testing</a>
Shembull OutPut
Kodi HTML:
<img src="image.gif" alt="image" />
<a href="testing.html" target="_blank">Testing</a>

The [quote] tag allows you to attribute text to someone else.
Usage [quote]Citim[/quote]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [quote]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe;2302062]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
Shembull OutPut
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga John Doe Shiko postimin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Stop BB Code Parsing
The [noparse] tag allows you to stop the parsing of BB code.
Usage [noparse][b]value[/b][/noparse]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [noparse][b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b][/noparse]
Shembull OutPut [b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b]

Skedarėt e Bashkėngjitur
The [attach] tag allows you to display an attachment in your post rather than at the bottom. It will only display attachments that belong to the post in which it is utilized.
Usage [attach]attachmentid[/attach]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [attach]12345[/attach]
Shembull OutPut

YouTube BB Code
Embeds You Tube Videos
Usage [youtube]value[/youtube]
Shėmbull Pėrdorimi [youtube]ejOJkcs-a7s[/youtube]
Shembull OutPut

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