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Prishtinasja_ 07-04-07 22:25

Ob Ost oder West,
Daheim ist am best'. :biggrin:

Prishtinasja_ 07-04-07 22:32


E Shqip qysh i bjen?[/quote]

Nuk ka kuptim bukfal te mirė.. por i bjen keshtu disi :

"Bash aty ku duket uji i cekt........del i thelle"

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:42

Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values."

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:44

1. [B]The goal of life is living in agreement with natyre.[/B]
Qellimi i Jetes eshte ta jetosh ne marreveshje me natyren!

Arb 07-04-07 22:45

A friend is someone who is genuinely happy for you when things go well

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:46

[B]"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."[/B]
~ Robert Frost
Me dy fjale i permbledh te gjitha ato qe kam mesuar per jeten: Jeta vazhdon!

Arb 07-04-07 22:48

Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:48

[B]"Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.
[/B] ~ Abraham Lincoln
Shumica e njerezve jane aq te lumtur sa i kurdisin mendjet e tyre te jene.

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:50

[quote=Arb]Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.[/quote]

Heheheh edhe kjo e mire

[B]We're all in this alone."[/B]
~ Lily Tomlin
Jemi vetem ne kete jete!

Arb 07-04-07 22:51

Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:51

[B]"The eye sees what it brings to seeing."[/B]
~ Anon
Syri shikon ate qe deshiron te shikoje!

Linka_pz 07-04-07 22:52

[B]"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded."[/B] Kjo eshte nje nga my favorites.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Te qeshesh shpesh dhe shume; te fitosh respektin e inteligjenteve dhe dashurine e femijeve; te fitosh vleresimin e kritikeve te ndershem dhe te kaperdish tradhetine e miqve fallso. Te vleresosh bukurine; te shikosh gjerat me te mira tek te tjeret; ta kontribosh ne bote qe ta besh nje vend me te mire, qofte kjo me nje femije te shendetshem, nje kopesht apo dhe nje gjendje shoqerore me e mire. Te dish se ia ke lehtesuar jeten dikujt tjetri me prezencen tende. Kjo do te thote t'ia kesh arritur qellimit :)

Arb 07-04-07 22:53

Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.

Prishtinasja_ 08-04-07 10:36

Friends are those rare people who ask how are you and then wait to hear the answer !!

Prishtinasja_ 08-04-07 11:04

Fjale e urt italiane :

L'amore nasce di un bacio !! ( Dashuria lind me nje puthje ...:rolleyes:)

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