Shiko Postimin Tek
Vjetėr 18-11-11, 18:45   #780
Avatari i panta_rhei
Anėtarėsuar: 16-03-06
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Gabim Titulli: Lajme nga bota Islame

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga valiii Shiko postimin
Sonita Williams,astronaute e Ekipit Nasa,e ka deklaruar konvertimin e saj ne fenė Islame menjėherė pas kthimit tė saj nė tokė,
Gjatė qėndrimit tė saj nė Hėnė dhe vėshtrimit tė Tokės,ajo thotė:
E gjithė toka ishte e errėt pėrveq dy vėndeve tė cilat ndriqonin nė menyrė tė mahnitshme,ajo pamje na ka lėnė gojėhapur,pastaj e kanė vertėtuar se ato dy vende janė Mekka dhe Medineja,dy qytetet e njohura Islame,
ajo ka shtuar se nė Hėnė ka ndegjuar vazhdimisht Thirrjen ,Allahu ekber ,Allahu ekber.

’’Ne do t'ua bėjmė atyre tė mundshme qė t'i shohin argumentet Tona nė horizonte dhe nė veten e tyre deri qė t'u bėhet e qartė se ai (Kur'ani) ėshtė i vėrtetė. A nuk mjafton qė Zoti yt ėshtė dėshmitar pėr ēdo gjė?’(Fussilet, 53)


Evidence of Hoax

Williams went to the International Space Station, not to the moon. The last moon landing (Apollo 17) was on December 7, 1972 , [7] and Eugene Cernan is, to date, the last person to have walked on the Moon. [8] She is also not the "first Indian woman who went on a space journey". The Indian -American astronaut, Kalpana Chawla, was the first woman of Indian ethnicity to fly in space. [9] The claims state that they decided, upon returning to earth, they would accept Islam. However, when setting off toward the International Space Station, Williams had taken with her a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and a small statue of Lord Ganesha, [10] and following her return to earth on June 22 , 2007 , she showed no signs of having converted to Islam. In fact, she claimed Lord Ganesha, not Allah , was looking after her.

Ketu po thot qe misioni i fundit qe Nasa e ka bere ne Hene, isht (Apollo 17) ne Dhjetor 7, 1972.

Pra, kjo femna kurre nuk ka qene ne Hene.

Edhe kurre nuk ka nderruar fe.

n'kafe t'nexhit po fal namazin e po frymezohesh muhamedanski koheve te fundit a
O shpirti im, mos ėndėrro pėr jetėn e pavdekshme, por shterro fushėn e sė mundshmes.
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