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Vjetėr 14-07-05, 05:34   #1
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Gabim Formimi i ndergjegjes kombetare te Shqiptareve 1878-1881

Ketu do postoj disa artikuj nga gazeta te ndryshme mbi kryengritjen shqiptare te 1878-1881.

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 14-07-05, 05:44   #2
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Mos vini re paragrafin e pare se te gjitha temat e huaja i paskan vene ne nje artikull

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 14-07-05, 07:51   #3
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Turqit duan te perdorin ndjenjat nacionaliste te shqiptareve qe te kundervihen zbatimit te Marreveshjes se Shen Stefanit. Ky komploti kunder Mehmet Aliut me duket i cuditshem.

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 16-07-05, 14:56   #4
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Times, Aug 19, 1879

Constantinople, Aug. 18- A deputation of albanians has arrived here and presented a memorandum to the Government asking that autonomy be granted to Albania

Editorial article 4-No Title
Times, Nov 22 1879

The Arnaouts of Albania are ready to fly at the throats of the Montenegrins, who, rendered desperate by famine and distress, are in the mood for a fight of any kind.

A Massacre in Albania
Mukhtar Pasha and his Body Guard Killed
Times, Nov 29, 1879

London, Nov. 29.-A Vienna dispatch says: " The Tageblatt announces that Mukhtar Pasha and his body guard of 70 men were massacred on the 27th inst. by the Arnauts. Six thousand Albanians are posted near Gusinje and may attack the Montenegrins.
King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 16-07-05, 15:13   #5
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

State Questions Abroad
The Complications in Albania
Times, Dec 26 1879.

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 19-07-05, 06:14   #6
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 19-07-05, 06:15   #7
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 19-07-05, 16:54   #8
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin


Janė mbledhė burrat nė kuven,
kane lidhė besėn nė Prizren,
krahanorėt kanė ēit n'patare
me i dalė zot tokės shqiptare.
King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 21-07-05, 02:25   #9
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Current Foreign Topics
Times, April 22, 1880

Reuter’s Telegram Company has received the following telegram from Odessa: “Information has been received here from Constantinople that 300 armed representatives of the Albanian League recently exacted a promise from Mukhtar Pasha, at Prizrend, to exile the Prefect and Presidents of tribunals. They also demanded the formation of Albania into a Principality, under the sovereignity of the Albanian chief of Gusinje.”
King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 21-07-05, 03:00   #10
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Albania's War Preparations
Times, May 12, 1880

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 21-07-05, 03:01   #11
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 30-07-05, 18:42   #12
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 31-07-05, 03:39   #13
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 31-07-05, 03:40   #14
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 31-07-05, 05:48   #15
Avatari i King_Gentius
Anėtarėsuar: 22-03-05
Vendndodhja: Boston
Postime: 1,243
King_Gentius e ka pezulluar reputacionin

King_Gentius Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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