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Kethu Mbrapa > Politika & Shtypi > Arena Ndėrkombėtare
Arena Ndėrkombėtare Ngjarjet mė tė reja nga skena politike ndėrkombėtare. Analiza, komente, materiale nga shtypi boteror. Ngjarje historike e kulturore ndėrkombėtare. Superfuqitė, Aleancat, Luftrat, Traktatet e paqes etj.

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Vjetėr 08-08-06, 08:15   #1
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Lightbulb Lebanon needs your help!

Lebanon Now

Lebanon needs your help!

How can I Help ?:
1- Contact your Representatives/ Senators and ask them to STOP the War on the Civilians.(follow the link)
2- Call the White House and Ask the President to put an end for the Massacres against the people of Lebanon.
3- Tell your friends the true story about Lebanon
4 - Pray for PEACE.
  • We do not want war. We want peace. Israel has the right to live in peace as well as Lebanon and any human being in this universe.
  • We condemn the killing of civilians from both sides. Israel and Hezbollah are doing crimes against civilians.
  • We ask that both parties stop the blood shed immediately because at the end there is no solution but sitting and talking and solving the issues.

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