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Astronomia Vrojtimi dhe shpjegimi i dukurive qė ndodhin jashtė Tokės dhe atmosferės.

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Vjetėr 13-12-11, 18:24   #1
Zero Cool
Avatari i Zero Cool
Anėtarėsuar: 18-03-03
Vendndodhja: Netherland
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Lightbulb " Grimca e Zotit "

Zbulimi i madh, grimca Higgs mund tė jetė shfaqur

Edhe pse zbulimi nuk mund tė konsiderohet i plotė shkencėtarėt e CERN-it thonė se kanė zbuluar grimcėn Higgs ose siē njihet ndryshe “grimcėn e Zotit”. Zbulimi i kėsaj grimce do tė konsiderohet mė i madh i 60 viteve tė fundit dhe sipas parashikimeve pritet tė ndodhė vitin e ardhshėm.

Dy ekipe tė pavarur shkencėtarėsh kanė zhvilluar eksperimente sekrete por ishte ekipi i shkencėtarit Fabiola Gianotti, tė cilėt deklaruar se besonin se kishin gjetur shenja tė grimcės Higgs.

Higgs ėshtė konsideruar si ēelėsi pėr tė kuptuar universin. Thėrrmija supozohet se ėshtė mjeti me tė cilin ēdo gjė nė univers merr masa e saj.

Ekzistenca e grimcės Higgs u parashikua nė vitin 1964 nga Universiteti i Edinburgut me ndihmėn e Peter Higgs.

Higgs boson

"God particle" redirects here. For the book, see The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?.
Higgs boson

A simulated event, featuring the appearance of the Higgs boson
Composition Elementary particle
Statistics Bosonic
Status Hypothetical
Theorized F. Englert, R. Brout, P. Higgs, G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and T. W. B. Kibble (1964)
Discovered Not yet (as of December 2011); searches ongoing at the LHC
Types 1, according to the Standard Model;
5 or more, according to supersymmetric models
Mass 115–185 GeV/c2 (model-dependent upper bound[Note 1])
Spin 0
The Higgs boson (sometimes nicknamed the "God particle" in popular media) is a hypothetical massive elementary particle that is predicted to exist by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. The Higgs boson is an integral part of the theoretical Higgs mechanism. If shown to exist, it would help explain why other particles can have mass. It is the only predicted elementary particle that has not yet been observed in particle physics experiments. Theories that do not need the Higgs boson also exist and would be considered if the existence of the Higgs Boson was ruled out. They are described as Higgsless models.
If shown to exist, the Higgs mechanism would also explain why the W and Z bosons, which mediate weak interactions, are massive whereas the related photon, which mediates electromagnetism, is massless. The Higgs boson is expected to be in a class of particles known as scalar bosons. (Bosons are particles with integer spin, and scalar bosons have spin 0.)
Experiments attempting to find the particle are currently being performed using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, and were performed at Fermilab's Tevatron until its closure in late 2011. Some theories suggest that any mechanism capable of generating the masses of elementary particles must be visible at energies below 1.4 TeV; therefore, the LHC is expected to be able to provide experimental evidence of the existence or non-existence of the Higgs boson.
On 12 December 2011, the ATLAS collaboration at the LHC found that a Higgs mass in the range from 145 to 206 GeV was excluded at the 95% confidence level. On 13 December 2011, experimental results were announced from the ATLAS and CMS experiments, suggesting that if the Higgs Boson exists, it is probably limited to a range of 115–130 GeV at the 3.6 sigma level (ATLAS) or 117–127 GeV at the 2.6 sigma level (CMS), and indicating possible scope for a 124 GeV (CMS) or 125-126 GeV (ATLAS) Higgs. As of 13 December 2011, a joint estimate is not available.

Asgjė nuk ėshtė e pamundur. Pamundėsinė apsolute e shkakton mosdija jonė reale.
Zero Cool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 13-12-11, 21:48   #2
Avatari i Murgesha
Anėtarėsuar: 24-10-03
Vendndodhja: Diku nėpėr botė....
Postime: 40,346
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