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Vjetėr 30-04-04, 17:44   #1
Avatari i Murgesha
Anėtarėsuar: 24-10-03
Vendndodhja: Diku nėpėr botė....
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Murgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėmMurgesha i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim Lajmerim.

Mos harroni se ne derė te kesaj rubrike shkruan se ketu mund te bisedoni ne gjuhe te huaja.
Me nderime Murgesha.

Mė duaj ose mė urrej, sepse qė tė dyja janė nė favorin tim. Nėse mė do, do jem gjithnjė nė zemren tėnde, nėse mė urren do jem gjithmonė nė mendjen tėnde!
Murgesha Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 30-04-04, 17:45   #2
Avatari i Gentiana
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-03
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Gentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėm

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Dashuria ben ēudira ēdo dite: ajo dobeson te fuqishmin, forcon te dobetin, nga i menēuri ben budallain, i nga budallai te menēurin, favorizon pasionet dhe zhduk arsyen. Me nje fjale, i permbys gjerat.
Gentiana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 30-04-04, 18:15   #3
Avatari i lazdrani
Anėtarėsuar: 20-11-03
Vendndodhja: EU
Postime: 10,473
lazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėmlazdrani i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė MSN tek lazdrani
Gabim Re: Lajmerim.

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Murgesha
Mos harroni se ne derė te kesaj rubrike shkruan se ketu mund te bisedoni ne gjuhe te huaja.
Me nderime Murgesha.
Murgesha tani e tutje nje Qekiq 10kg ne koke atyre qe po lazdrohen
Tė dua aq shumė,sa dashurin ndajė vetėvetės e harrojė
Nur die liebe zählt
lazdrani Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 27-06-04, 15:49   #4
Anėtarėsuar: 20-06-04
Vendndodhja: Gjermani
Postime: 7
Snoopy-de e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Nuk e di pse nuk e keni shenu ketu mundet njeri me bisedu si te don!? Murgesha :roll:
Snoopy-de Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 28-07-04, 11:02   #5
nė sokaqet misterioze....
Avatari i turisti
Anėtarėsuar: 25-07-04
Vendndodhja: Mahalla e azganave p/n
Postime: 47,343
turisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėm

..."bisedoni ne gjuhe te huaja"...,a dmth kjo edhe ne gjuhet sllave sepse dikun e kam lexue se eshte e ndalume e ketu po thoni ne "gjuhe te huaja".Une personalisht nuk e perzi politiken me gjuhet ose me muziken sepse jeta eshte e gatshme gjithmone me ju demantue,andej une vetem po pyes sepse UNE NUK BEJ SHAKA ME LLOGJIKEN TIME-PO-JO-PO-JO-PO-JO-PO-JO.....Vetem pyeta sepse une edhe ashtu kam drejtimin tim ne jete.Ju ershendes.
Ēdo gjė ėshtė e kalueshme,a mė i kalueshmi ėshtė njeri.
turisti Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 31-08-04, 12:19   #6
Anėtarėsuar: 27-08-04
Postime: 16
swet_beni e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė MSN tek swet_beni Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė Yahoo tek swet_beni
Gabim tung nga beni

pershendetje le te bisedoi kush si te ka deshir aaa mos te jav nin hiq heheh ....
tung une jam Beni ju pershendes te gjithve
swet_beni Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 15-09-04, 22:33   #7
nė sokaqet misterioze....
Avatari i turisti
Anėtarėsuar: 25-07-04
Vendndodhja: Mahalla e azganave p/n
Postime: 47,343
turisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėmturisti i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim Re: tung nga beni

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga swet_beni
pershendetje le te bisedoi kush si te ka deshir aaa mos te jav nin hiq heheh ....
Te pershendes gjithashtu dhe mire se erdhe .
Ēdo gjė ėshtė e kalueshme,a mė i kalueshmi ėshtė njeri.
turisti Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 27-10-04, 21:19   #8
Anėtarėsuar: 24-10-04
Vendndodhja: kosov
Postime: 81
qeqa&zana e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė ICQ tek qeqa&zana Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė  AIM tek qeqa&zana Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė MSN tek qeqa&zana Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė Yahoo tek qeqa&zana
Gabim tung pershendetje tgjithve

cant bACk the paSt
qeqa&zana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 28-10-04, 00:48   #9
Anėtarėsuar: 27-10-04
Vendndodhja: Geneve
Postime: 4,586
Mafiozi e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Gentiana
:oops: :oops: :oops:
:arrow: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Mafiozi Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 04-12-04, 12:22   #10
Anėtarėsuar: 30-11-04
Vendndodhja: Akoma Ne Planetin Toke !!
Postime: 257
KriSTaL e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Gentiana STeAck To Gether : ahhahahah kush tha nje qekiq te madh te Shtypit Gentianes 10 kg , i vogel bre po me duket hahahahhaha tungiiiiiiiii
Sa Mė Shumė, Qe Rrij Me Njerez , Aq Mė Shumė Me Pelqejn \" KAFSHĖT\"
KriSTaL Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-03-05, 00:28   #11
Anėtarėsuar: 09-01-05
Postime: 73
NobodysFool e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Online Affairs
Kerby Anderson


The Allure of Cyber-Relationships
The Internet is becoming a breeding ground for adultery, so say many experts who track the pattern of extramarital affairs. So we will discuss the phenomenon of online affairs.

Peggy Vaughn is the author of The Monogamy Myth and also serves as an expert for America Online on problems caused by infidelity. She predicts that one "role of the Internet in the future will be as a source of affairs." She is writing a second book on the subject of adultery and says she could base half of it just on the letters she receives from people who started an affair online.{1}

An online affair (or cyberaffair) is an intimate or sexually explicit communication between a married person and someone other than their spouse that takes place on the Internet. Usually this communication takes place through an online service such as America Online or CompuServe. Participants usually visit a chat room to begin a group conversation and then often move into a one-to-one mode of communication. Chat room categories range from "single and liking it" to "married and flirting" to "naked on the keyboard."

Women in a chat room are often surprised at what develops in a fairly short period of time. At first the conversation is stimulating, though flirtatious. Quickly, however, women are often confronted with increasingly sexual questions and comments. Even if the comments don’t turn personal, women find themselves quickly sharing intimate information about themselves and their relationships that they would never share with someone in person. Peggy Vaughn says, "Stay-at-home moms in chat rooms are sharing all this personal stuff they are hiding from their partners." She finds that the intensity of women’s online relationships can "quickly escalate into thinking they have found a soulmate."

Online affairs differ from physical world affairs in some ways, but are similar in others. Cyberaffairs are based upon written communication where a person may feel more free to express herself anonymously than in person. Frequently the communication becomes sexually graphic and kinky in ways that probably would not occur if a real person were hearing these comments and could act on them. Participants in an online affair will often tell their life stories and their innermost secrets. They will also create a new persona, become sexually adventurous, and pretend to be different than they really are.

Pretending is a major theme in cyberaffairs. Men claim to be professionals (doctors, lawyers) who work out every day in the gym. And they universally claim that if their wives met their needs, they wouldn’t be sex shopping on the Internet. Women claim to be slim, sexy, and adventurous. The anonymity of the Internet allows them to divulge (or even create) their wildest fantasies. In fact, their frank talk and flirtation pays great dividends in the number of men in a chat room who want to talk to them and get together with them.

Just as the Internet has become a new source of pornography for many, so it seems that it has also become a new source for affairs. Relationships online frequently go over the line leaving pain, heartbreak, and even divorce in their wake. Even though these online affairs don’t involve sex, they can be very intense and threaten a marriage just the same.

Current Statistics on Adultery
In a previous article, I talked about some of the statistics concerning adultery. Before we continue, let me update some of those numbers with a multitude of studies all coming to similar conclusions.

One conclusion is that adultery is becoming more common, and researchers are finding that women are as likely as men to have an affair. A 1983 study found that 29 percent of married people under 25 had had an affair with no statistical difference between the number of men and women who chose to be unfaithful to their spouses early in life.{2} By comparison, only 9 percent of spouses in the 1950s under the age of 25 had been involved in extramarital sex. Another study concluded that by age 40 about 50 to 65 percent of husbands and 45 to 55 percent of wives become involved in an extramarital affair.{3}

Affairs are usually more than a one-time event. A 1987 study surveyed 200 men and women and found that their affairs lasted an average of two years.{4} In fact, affairs go through transitions over time. They may begin as romantic, sexual, or emotional relationships and may become intimate friendships. Affairs that become friendships can last decades or a lifetime.

Online affairs differ from other affairs in that they may not involve a physical component, but the emotional attachment is still there. Online affairs develop because of the dual attraction of attention and anonymity. Someone who has been ignored by a spouse (or at least perceives that he or she is ignored) suddenly becomes the center of attention in a chat room or a one-on-one e-mail exchange. A woman finds it exciting, even intoxicating, that all these men want to talk to her. And they are eager to hear what she says and needs.

Anonymity feeds this intoxication because the person on the other end of this cyberaffair is unknown. He or she can be as beautiful and intelligent as your dreams can imagine. The fantasy is fueled by the lack of information and the anonymity. No one in cyberland has bad breath, a bald head, love handles, or a bad temper. The sex is the best you can imagine. Men are warm, sensitive, caring, and communicative. Women are daring, sensual, and erotic.

Is it all too good to be true? Of course it is. Cyberaffairs are only make-believe. Usually when cyberlovers meet, there is a major letdown. No real person can compete with a dream lover. No marriage can compete with a cyberaffair. But then an online affair can’t really compete with a real relationship that provides true friendship and marital intimacy.

Nevertheless, online affairs are seductive. An Internet addict calls out to a spouse "one more minute" just as an alcoholic justifies "one more drink." Cyberaffairs provide an opportunity to become another person and chat with distant and invisible neighbors in the high-tech limbo of cyberspace. Social and emotional needs are met, flirting is allowed and even encouraged, and an illusion of intimacy feeds the addiction that has caught so many unsuspecting Internet surfers.

Motivations for Affairs
Affairs usually develop because the relationship meets various social and psychological needs. Self-esteem needs are often at the top of the list. Self-esteem needs are met through knowing, understanding, and acceptance. Psychologists say that those needs are enhanced through talking intimately about feelings, thoughts, and needs. This can take place in person or take place through the Internet.

Even though online affairs may not involve a physical component, the emotional attachment can be just as strong and even overwhelming. And when they end, this strong attachment usually leaves participants in emotional pain.

Women report feeling thrilled by their lover’s interest in them physically, emotionally, and intellectually. They are also excited about the chance to know a different man (how he thinks and feels). They also feel intimate with their lovers because they can talk about their feelings openly. However, when the affair ends, they feel a great deal of guilt with regard to their husband and children. They also regret the deceit that accompanied the affair.

Men report feeling excited about the sexual experience of the affair. They try to control their feelings in the affair and do not compete with their feelings for their wife. Often they limit the emotional involvement with their lover. Men also feel guilt and regret over deceit when an affair ends, but less so than most women.

Men and women have affairs for different reasons. Research has shown that women seek affairs in order to be loved, have a friend, and feel needed. Men seek affairs for sexual fulfillment, friendship, and fun.{5}

It appears that the percentage of women who have extramarital sex has increased the last few decades. In 1953 Alfred Kinsey found that 29 percent of married women admitted to at least one affair.{6} A Psychology Today survey in 1970 reported that 36 percent of their female readers had extramarital sex.{7} One study in 1987 found that 70 percent of women surveyed had been involved in an affair.{8}

It also appears that women who are employed full-time outside of the home are more likely to have an affair than full-time homemakers. Several studies come to this same conclusion. One study found that 47 percent of wives who were employed full-time and 27 percent of full-time homemakers had been involved in an affair before they were 40 years old.{9} And New Woman magazine found that 57 percent of employed wives who had an affair met their lover at work.{10}

Contrary to conventional wisdom, an affair will not help your marriage. In 1975, Linda Wolfe published Playing Around after she studied twenty-one women who were having affairs to keep their marriages intact.{11} The reasoning for many of these women was that if they could meet their own needs, their marriages would be more successful. Many said they were desperately lonely. Others were afraid, believing their husbands did not love them or were not committed to their marriage. Five years after the initial study, only three of the twenty-one women were still married.

Adultery can destroy a marriage, whether a physical affair or an online affair.

Preventing an Affair
The general outline for some of these ideas comes from family therapist Frank Pittman, author of Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy, although I have added additional material. He has counseled 10,000 couples over the last forty years, and about 7,000 have experienced infidelity. He has nineteen specific suggestions for couples on how to avoid affairs.{12} Let’s look at a few of them.

First, accept the possibility of being sexually attracted to another and of having sexual fantasies. Frank Pittman believes we should acknowledge that such thoughts can develop so that you don’t scare them into hiding. But he also says you shouldn’t act on them.

Second, we should hang out with monogamous people. He says, "They make a good support system." To state it negatively, "Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33).

Third, work on your marriage. He says to keep your marriage sexy and work to be intimate with your spouse. He also says to make marriage an important part of your identity. "Carry your marriage with you wherever you go."

Fourth, be realistic about your marriage. Pittman says, "Don’t expect your marriage to make you happy. See your partner as a source of comfort rather than a cause of unhappiness." Accept the reality of marriage; it isn’t always beautiful. Also accept that you are both imperfect.

Fifth, keep the marriage equal. Share parenting duties. "If not, one partner will become the full-time parent, and the other will become a full-time child" without responsibilities, who seeks to be taken care of. And keep the relationships equal. Pittman says, "The more equal it is, the more both partners will respect and value it."

Sixth, if you aren’t already married, be careful in your choice of a marriage partner. For example, marry someone who believes in, and has a family history of, monogamy. Frank Pittman says, "It is a bad idea to become the fifth husband of a woman who has been unfaithful to her previous four." Also, marry someone who respects and likes your gender. "They will get over the specialness of you yourself and eventually consider you as part of a gender they dislike."

Seventh, call home every day you travel. "Otherwise, you begin to have a separate life." And stay faithful. "If you want your partner to (stay faithful), it is a good idea to stay faithful yourself." And make sure you are open, honest, and authentic. Lies and deception create a secret life that can allow an affair to occur.

Finally, don’t overreact or exaggerate the consequences of an affair if it occurs. Pittman says, "It doesn’t mean there will be a divorce, murder or suicide. Catch yourself and work your way back into the marriage."

Affairs can destroy a marriage. Take the time to affair-proof your marriage so you avoid the pain, guilt and regret that inevitably results. And if you have fallen into an affair, work your way back and rebuild your marriage.

Consequences of Affairs
When God commands, "You shall not commit adultery" (Ex. 20:14), He did so for our own good. There are significant social, psychological, and spiritual consequences to adultery.

A major social cost is divorce. An affair that is discovered does not have to lead to divorce, but often it does. About one- third of couples remain together after the discovery of an adulterous affair, while the other two-thirds usually divorce.

Not surprisingly, the divorce rate is higher among people who have affairs. Annette Lawson (author of Adultery: An Analysis of Love and Betrayal) found that spouses who did not have affairs had the lowest rate of divorce. Women who had multiple affairs (especially if they started early in the marriage) had the highest rate of divorce.

A lesser known fact is that those who divorce rarely marry the person with whom they are having the affair. For example, Dr. Jan Halper’s study of successful men (executives, entrepreneurs, professionals) found that very few men who have affairs divorce their wife and marry their lovers. Only 3 percent of the 4,100 successful men surveyed eventually married their lovers.{13}

Frank Pittman has found that the divorce rate among those who married their lovers was 75 percent.{14} The reasons for the high divorce rate include: intervention of reality, guilt, expectations, a general distrust of marriage, and a distrust of the affairee.

The psychological consequences are also significant, even if they are sometimes more difficult to discern. People who pursue an affair often do so for self-esteem needs, but often further erode those feelings by violating trust, intimacy, and stability in a marriage relationship. Affairs do not stabilize a marriage, they upset it.

Affairs destroy trust. It’s not surprising that marriages formed after an affair and a divorce have such a high divorce rate. If your new spouse cheated before, what guarantee do you have that this person won’t begin to cheat on you? Distrust of marriage and distrust of the affairee are significant issues.

Finally, there are spiritual consequences to affairs. We grieve the Lord by our actions. We disgrace the Lord as we become one more statistic of moral failure within the body of Christ. We threaten the sacred marriage bond between us and our spouse. We bring guilt into our lives and shame into our marriage and family. Affairs extract a tremendous price in our lives and the lives of those we love and hold dear.

And let’s not forget the long-term consequences. Affairs, for example, can lead to unwanted pregnancies. According to one report, "Studies of blood typing show that as many as 1 out of every 10 babies born in North America is not the offspring of the mother’s husband."{15} Affairs can also result in sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, or even AIDS. Many of these diseases are not curable and will last for a lifetime.

Adultery is dangerous, and so are online affairs. The popularity of the recent movie You’ve Got Mail has helped feed the fantasy that you are writing to Tom Hanks or Meg Ryan. In nearly every case, nothing could be further from the truth. An online affair could happen to you, and the plot might be more like Fatal Attraction.
NobodysFool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 02-04-05, 12:43   #12
L i n d i
Anėtarėsuar: 02-04-05
Postime: 7
L i n d i e ka pezulluar reputacionin

shiQOjeni njeher kete ??

nuk me pelqen fare kjo tem
[ [url][/url] ^ [url]www.ArLinDii.Com[/url] ^ [url]www.pRoRiNis.CoM[/url] ]
L i n d i Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 01-07-05, 19:05   #13
Avatari i Naki
Anėtarėsuar: 30-09-03
Vendndodhja: Nė Gjermani
Postime: 7,859
Naki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėmNaki i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim Re: Lajmerim.

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Murgesha
Mos harroni se ne derė te kesaj rubrike shkruan se ketu mund te bisedoni ne gjuhe te huaja.
Me nderime Murgesha.
""""""""Nuk ka jetė pa vuajtje,
""""""""""""""nuk ka vuajtje pa shkak,
""""""""""""""""""""por nuk ka shkak qė nuk mund tė tejkalohet
Naki Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 29-10-05, 08:07   #14
Anėtarėsuar: 18-10-05
Vendndodhja: Stuttgart
Postime: 98
PRESHEVARE e ka pezulluar reputacionin

murgesh e nderuar,
me ta tregu te verteten me vjen shume me leht te shkruaj ne gjuhen gjermane, sespe gjuhen shqipe e kam mesuar "rrugeve" duke ndegjuar tje e ketu ndonje fjale.

was mir aber ständig passiert, und das unbewußt, ist das kolosale mixen dieser sprache, wenn vorauszusetzen ist, dass mein gesprächspartner beides beherscht... rezultat: "eingealbanischtes deutsch"

an dieser stelle, entschuldige ich mich für jegliche rechtschreib-, grammatik- und ausdrucksfehler meiner albanischen beiträge..

hochachtungsvoll, loli
tri i mesova
dy i kuptova
njo se harrova--me ket shpejtise u rrita
e dote plakna
PRESHEVARE Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 29-10-05, 08:49   #15
Anėtarėsuar: 20-09-04
Vendndodhja: Zuerich/ch
Postime: 15,792
Kercovari e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė MSN tek Kercovari


was mir aber ständig passiert, und das unbewußt, ist das kolosale mixen dieser sprache, wenn vorauszusetzen ist, dass mein gesprächspartner beides beherscht... rezultat: "eingealbanischtes deutsch"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Diellin,vetėm tė marrėt mundohen
tė mbulojn me shoshė....
Kercovari Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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