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Kethu Mbrapa > Kultura > Gjuha Shqipe
Gjuha Shqipe Drejtėshkrimi i gjuhės, barbarizmat, morfologjia, gramatika, sintaksa, dialektet, historia, dhe studimet mė tė fundit nė lidhje me gjuhėsinė.

Funksionet e Temės Shfaq Modėt
Vjetėr 04-12-05, 15:50   #1
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
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Gabim Gjeni sinonimin e fjaleve ilirisht ne gjuhen shqipe.

Per cdo dite do te shenoj disa fjale ilirisht.
Me pas te gjithe te perpiqemi te gjejme sinonimet ne gjuhen shqipe.
Nuk duhet te vendoset perkthimi me gjuhen e sotme shqipe, por te perpiqeni qe te gjeni nje forme shqip dialektore qe i afrohet rrenjes (Root).

Fjalet e para per sot:

1.Root / lemma: abhro-

English meaning: strong, mighty

German meaning: `stark, heftig'

2.Root / lemma: ab-

English meaning: water, river

German meaning: `Wasser, Fluß'

3.Root / lemma: ad(u)-, ad-ro-

English meaning: water current

German meaning: `Wasserlauf'

4.Root / lemma: ai-dh-, i-dh-, nas. i-n-dh-

English meaning: to burn

German meaning: `brennen, leuchten'

5.Root / lemma: aig-1, nas. ing-

English meaning: disspirited, sick, ill

German meaning: `verstimmt, unwirsch, krank'

Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 04-12-05, 16:30   #2
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

Per fjalen Nr. 4 perdoret ne shqipe - idht, itht;
Per fjalen Nr.5 mund te perdoret - lig;
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 05-12-05, 11:30   #3
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

6.Root / lemma: ai

English meaning: to give

German meaning: `geben, zuteilen', über mediales `sich geben lassen' dann auch `nehmen'

7.Root / lemma: aisk-

English meaning: bright, shining

German meaning: `klar, hell, leuchtend'

8.Root / lemma: aiu̯-, ai̯u-

English meaning: vital energy

German meaning: `Lebenskraft'

9.Root / lemma: ak̂-, ok̂-

English meaning: sharp; stone

German meaning: `scharf, spitz, kantig' und `Stein'

10.Root / lemma: akʷā- (richtiger ǝkʷā): ēkʷ-

English meaning: water, river

German meaning: `Wasser, Fluß'
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 06-12-05, 19:34   #4
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

11.Root / lemma: albhi-

English meaning: barley

German meaning: `Gerste'

12.Root / lemma: albho-

English meaning: white

German meaning: `weiß'

13.Root / lemma: alp-

English meaning: small, weak

German meaning: `klein, schwach' ?

14.Root / lemma: ambhi, m̥bhi

English meaning: around, from both sides

German meaning: `um-herum, zu beiden Seiten'

15.Root / lemma: andh-, anedh-

English meaning: to grow, bloom, blossom

German meaning: `hervorstechen, sprießen, blühen'
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 07-12-05, 18:28   #5
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

16.Root / lemma: an(ǝ)

English meaning: to breathe

German meaning: `atmen, hauchen'

17.Root / lemma: angʷ(h)i-

English meaning: snake, worm

German meaning: `Schlange, Wurm'

18.Root / lemma: an

English meaning: male or female ancestor

German meaning: `Bezeichnung für männlichen oder weiblichen Ahnen'

19.Root / lemma: apelo-

English meaning: strength

German meaning: `Kraft'

20.Root / lemma: apo- (̆, ap-u, pu)

English meaning: from, out, of

German meaning: `ab, weg'
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 08-12-05, 19:13   #6
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

21.Root / lemma: areg-

English meaning: to lock

German meaning: `verschließen'

22.Root / lemma: ar

English meaning: nut

German meaning: `Nuß'

23.Root / lemma: ar

English meaning: to refuse; to lie

German meaning: `verweigern, leugnen'?

24.Root / lemma: ati, ato-

English meaning: over, etc.

German meaning: `über etwas hinaus', daher bei einer dem Sprecher zugewendeten Bewegung `(über den Standort des Sprechenden) zurück', endlich einfach `her' unter Verblassen der Vorstellung eines überrannten Zieles oder Ortes.

25.Root / lemma: aug-

English meaning: to glance, see

German meaning: `glänzen; sehen'
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 09-12-05, 14:18   #7
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
Postime: 1,450
Kalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithėKalt i njohur pėr tė gjithė

26.Root / lemma: au- (au̯e); u̯ē̆-

English meaning: from, away, of

German meaning: `herab, weg von -'

27.Root / lemma: au-, u- (: u̯ē̆-, u̯o-)

English meaning: that; other

German meaning: Pronominalstamm `jener', auch gegenüberstellend `alter, alius', `andrerseits, hinwiederum', in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Satzgliedern gesetzt `dér einerseits - dér andrerseits', `einerseits - andrerseits'.

28.Root / lemma: auqʷ(h)- : uqʷ(h)- und daneben wohl als andere Hochstufe u̯eqʷ(h)-

English meaning: cooking pot

German meaning: `Kochtopf, Wärmepfanne'

29.Root / lemma: au̯ei- (ǝu̯ei-?)

English meaning: bird

German meaning: `Vogel'

30.Root / lemma: au̯(e)-9, au̯ed-, au̯er-

English meaning: to flow, to wet; water, etc.

German meaning: `benetzen, befeuchten, fließen'

Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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