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Vjetėr 13-12-05, 14:53   #1
Avatari i Bond
Anėtarėsuar: 30-09-03
Postime: 269
Bond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėmBond i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim Pėrkthim

Diskutues tė nderuar, ata qė njohin gjuhėn na ndihmoni nė perkthimin e kėtij teksti me shkronja tė trashura (Bold).

Pėrkthimi kuptohet duhet tė bėhet nė gjhėn shqipe.

Paraprakisht ju falenderojmė pėr mundin.

P. s. pėrgjigjen mund tė dėrgoni edhe privat.

Nga stafi.

$lang['Description'] = 'Description'; //
$lang['Downloaded'] = 'Downloaded';
$lang['Download'] = 'Download'; //
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Viewed'] = 'Viewed';
$lang['Download_number'] = '%d Time(s)'; //
$lang['Extension_disabled_after_posting'] = 'The Extension \'%s\' was deactivated by an board admin, therefore this Attachment is not displayed.'; //

$lang['Add_attachment'] = 'Add Attachment';
$lang['Add_attachment_title'] = 'Add an Attachment';
$lang['Add_attachment_explain'] = 'If you do not want to add an Attachment to your Post, please leave the Fields blank';
$lang['File_name'] = 'Filename';
$lang['File_comment'] = 'File Comment';

$lang['Posted_attachments'] = 'Posted Attachments';
$lang['Options'] = 'Options';
$lang['Update_comment'] = 'Update Comment';
$lang['Delete_attachments'] = 'Delete Attachments';
$lang['Delete_attachment'] = 'Delete Attachment';
$lang['Delete_thumbnail'] = 'Delete Thumbnail';
$lang['Upload_new_version'] = 'Upload New Version';

$lang['Rules_page'] = 'Attachment Rules';
$lang['Attach_rules_title'] = 'Allowed Extension Groups and their Sizes';
$lang['Group_rule_header'] = '%s -> Maximum Upload Size: %s';
$lang['Allowed_extensions_and_sizes'] = 'Allowed Extensions and Sizes';
$lang['Note_user_empty_group_permissions'] = 'NOTE:
You are normally allowed to attach files within this Forum,
but since no Extension Group is allowed to be attached here,
you are unable to attach anything. If you try,
you will receive an Error Message.

$lang['Attachment_feature_disabled'] = 'The Attachment Feature is disabled.';
$lang['Directory_does_not_exist'] = 'The Directory \'%s\' does not exist or couldn\'t be found.'; //
$lang['Directory_is_not_a_dir'] = 'Please check if \'%s\' is a directory.'; //

$lang['Error_empty_add_attachbox'] = 'You have to enter values in the \'Add an Attachment\' Box';
$lang['Error_missing_old_entry'] = 'Unable to Update Attachment, could not find old Attachment Entry';

$lang['Invalid_filename'] = '%s is an invalid filename'; //
$lang['Attachment_php_size_na'] = 'The Attachment is too big.
Couldn\'t get the maximum Size defined in PHP.
The Attachment Mod is unable to determine the maximum Upload Size defined in the php.ini.';

$lang['Attachment_php_size_overrun'] = 'The Attachment is too big.
Maximum Upload Size: %d MB.
Please note that this Size is defined in php.ini, this means it\'s set by PHP and the Attachment Mod can not override this value.'; //

$lang['Disallowed_extension'] = 'The Extension %s is not allowed'; //
$lang['Disallowed_extension_within_forum'] = 'You are not allowed to post Files with the Extension %s within this Forum'; //
$lang['Attachment_too_big'] = 'The Attachment is too big.
Max Size: %d %s'; //

$lang['Attach_quota_reached'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments is reached. Please contact the Board Administrator if you have questions.';
$lang['Too_many_attachments'] = 'Attachment cannot be added, since the max. number of %d Attachments in this post was achieved'; //
$lang['Error_imagesize'] = 'The Attachment/Image must be less than %d pixels wide and %d pixels high';
$lang['General_upload_error'] = 'Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to %s.'; // [/

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