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Mėsime nga Kurani Besimtarėt myslimanė mblidhen nė kėtė forum pėr tė diskutuar dhe ndarė me njėri-tjetrin mėsimet fetare dhe experiencat e tyre tė jetės.

Funksionet e Temės Shfaq Modėt
Vjetėr 24-06-12, 00:12   #76
Avatari i Alima
Anėtarėsuar: 14-08-11
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Cool Titulli: Lajmi i mire


O Makresh,
Shefqetin e rrejten e i premtun para zgjedhjeve kta hajnat e PDK-se se do lejohet mbulesa,do ndertohet xhamija,do lejohet lemia e teologjise neper shkolla...e rrejten si krejt neve qysh na rrejten deri i morren votat... ne ate kohe,publikisht Shefqeti beri apel ti japet vota PDK-se,gjunahit u manipulu...mandej duke i dite qendrimet e VV ne aspektin fetar qe pak dallon me FER-in ...Albinit i kane ba dawet qysh kur ishte ne burg,dhe kategorikisht ka kundershtu dhe ende kundershton ... e shajti edhe VV ...mandej per terezen ēka tregoi te verteten ... e nime pak synon njefar qasjeje ne politik,por jo per vehte i gjori,por ne favor te Islamit kishe ...mendon edhe ai si Kiriku se nese hyp aty muj ndreq diēka,se din i ngrati,qe ma zi se Lirikut ja kishin ba ...ata po munohen me ja ba pa hyp hiē aty,le ma me ba vakija me hyp najhere ....


Alima Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 24-06-12, 00:15   #77
Zero Cool
Avatari i Zero Cool
Anėtarėsuar: 18-03-03
Vendndodhja: Netherland
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Gabim Titulli: Lajmi i mire

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Alima Shiko postimin

nje besimtare e devotshme sikur eshte pretenduar ajo,asnjehere nuk gjunjezohet para askujt pos Krijuesit, ...te mos flasim para nje ateisti e masoni te perbetum, qe edhe sot ja shohim sherrin! Pastaj kontot e saj dhe manipulimet me ndihma,sa e sa tjera qe ti ndoshta me te vertet nuk i di,ndaj edhe te arsyetoj !

...fort e paske dasht xhaxhin, zaten thojne :-Njeri krejt ēka ka e qet kur pijavet :D


Apet po te them per Enverin mos te isha moderaore,,, (qaq e kam desht ose e dua).

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Makresh Shiko postimin

Shefqetin e kam takuar 2 here, por s'kam ndrruar asnje fjal me te. Per te vetmen arsye se jeta e tij private nuk hyn ne interesin e puneve te mia ! Ai mund ta rrah ate, te divorcon, ta tradheton e t'ben gjithcka, e gjithe kjo eshte pune e tij, dhe eshte pergjegjes para Zotit dhe para ligjit. Njesoj edhe per Nexhat Dacin, ajo cka me intereson mua, eshte shkenca e dijes se tyre, ne te cilen kan perfekcionizue, te tjerat,... s'kan kurrfar ndikimi ne mua !

Duhet ta dish qe cdo fe, kap ne dimensionin universal ! Keshtu qe, edhe sikur nene biologjike ta kisha Gonxhe Bojaxhiun, nuk e ndryshon faktin se ajo, sipas besimit te cilin besoj un, eshte per ne ferr ! Dhe ajo njesoj ka besuar per mua qe si takoj besimit te saj, ndaj edhe eshte ber misionare !
Po de po maki, u more vesh kjo pune, e gjithe qka eshte Shqiptare eshte m8t e gjithe qka eshte harape eshte e shejte !
Mu per kete edhe jemi aty ku jemi !

ps: pa vetedijesim dhe me ndasi te ketilla te paguara nga harapo-sllavet as qe do te shkojme me tutje !
Asgjė nuk ėshtė e pamundur. Pamundėsinė apsolute e shkakton mosdija jonė reale.

Herėn e fundit ėshtė Redaktuar nga Zero Cool : 24-06-12 nė 00:20
Zero Cool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 24-06-12, 00:27   #78
Avatari i Alima
Anėtarėsuar: 14-08-11
Postime: 6,904
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Gabim Titulli: Re: Titulli: Lajmi i mire

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Bajlozi i Zi Shiko postimin
Nuk ka ra ne gjunje asnjehere para varrit te enver hoxhes.
Pushteti i envere hoxhes e kishte shpallur nene terezen, "zyrtarisht" te pamoralshme dhe kurve. (Jane faktet dhe arkivat pėr kete).

Nene Tereza ėshtė, mbi te gjitha, Ide. Nuk ėshtė person. Ide e dashurise pėr njerezimin, e sakrifices pėr te varferin, jetimin, te semurin, te pashpresin, te pafuqishmin.

ok pra, le te themi se ajo ishte ruse, ose greke. Aspak nuk ia ndrron esencen e asaj Ideje.

Logjikoni si njerez. Njerez.

Por, edhe nėse e shajme, nuk ėshtė se bejme kushedi cfare ēudie. E kemi ne gjen ne shqiptaret qe pėr cdo shqiptare te mirė e te suksesshem, t'i mbushim strajcat me lloq e ta gjuajme sa here te na jepet rasti.


Une e di se po!Dhe jo nga muslimanet ,por vet te krishteret gjykojne ashper vepren e saj :

The dark side of Mother Teresa

Erich Vieth | May 21, 2008 | 8 Comments
The next time someone gets all misty-eyed when talking about the saintliness of Mother Teresa, have them read this post by Ebonmuse at Daylight Atheism. Here’s an excerpt:
Teresa was a friend to vicious dictators, criminals and con men. As Christopher Hitchens documents in his book The Missionary Position, Teresa was acquainted with a startling number of unsavory characters. Two such were the Duvaliers, Jean-Claude and Michelle, who ruled Haiti as a police state from 1971 until they were overthrown in a popular uprising in 1986. (They looted the country of most of its national treasury when they fled.) Teresa visited them in person in 1981 and praised the Duvaliers and their regime as “friends” of the poor, and her testimony on their behalf was shown on state-owned television for weeks. Bizarrely, she also visited the grave of brutal Communist dictator Enver Hoxha in 1990, laying a wreath of flowers on the tomb of a man who had viciously suppressed religion in Teresa’s native Albania. The list also includes the Nicaraguan contras, a Catholic terrorist group who unleashed death squads on the civilian population in their bid to conquer the country.
Teresa was also a friend to Charles Keating, a conservative Catholic fundamentalist who served on an anti-pornography commission under President Nixon. Keating would later become infamous for his role in the Savings & Loan scandal, where he was convicted of fraud, racketeering and conspiracy for his involvement in a scam where customers were deceived into buying worthless junk bonds, resulting in many of them losing their life savings. Keating had donated $1.25 million to Mother Teresa in the 1980s, and as he was awaiting sentencing, she wrote a letter to the court on his behalf asking for clemency.
The above post is a potent counter-balance to all the Mother Teresa hype.
My biggest concern with Mother Teresa was her destructive approach to family planning. How is it possible that she didn’t see the connection between the out-of-control birth rate and the resulting poverty? I suspect that she did see the connection, but was unwilling to speak the obvious. That would have caused people to stop adoring her. Further, Mother Teresa was far too enamored with the rich and famous and she was unwilling to give up that limelight. In the meantime, her irresponsible approach to family-planning created an ocean of grief which she tried to clean up, a teaspoon at a time.
Simple-minded self-ignorant acts of kindness can be destructive in the aggregate. Mother Teresa’s advocacy of the lack of family planning is on a continuum with all of those politicians who kiss all those babies (perhaps because they really do like babies), but then go back to Washington to rip away their health care coverage.
To cap it all off, Mother Teresa was intellectually dishonest, living a closeted a life as an agnostic while publicly proclaiming her alleged great faith.
There’s not nearly as much work for saints to do when we all start living responsibly and honestly, focusing on the root causes of problems.


ps.qata me t'kuqe mos e marrsh vesh ,thuj googlit ta pźrkthen ...ta sjelli edhe foton kur e ka vizitu,sapo ta gjeje .Dakor?!

Naten tani!

Alima Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 24-06-12, 01:11   #79
Bajlozi i Zi
Anėtarėsuar: 22-02-12
Postime: 952
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Gabim Re: Titulli: Re: Titulli: Lajmi i mire

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga Alima Shiko postimin

Une e di se po!Dhe jo nga muslimanet ,por vet te krishteret gjykojne ashper vepren e saj :

The dark side of Mother Teresa

Erich Vieth | May 21, 2008 | 8 Comments
The next time someone gets all misty-eyed when talking about the saintliness of Mother Teresa, have them read this post by Ebonmuse at Daylight Atheism. Here’s an excerpt:
Teresa was a friend to vicious dictators, criminals and con men. As Christopher Hitchens documents in his book The Missionary Position, Teresa was acquainted with a startling number of unsavory characters. Two such were the Duvaliers, Jean-Claude and Michelle, who ruled Haiti as a police state from 1971 until they were overthrown in a popular uprising in 1986. (They looted the country of most of its national treasury when they fled.) Teresa visited them in person in 1981 and praised the Duvaliers and their regime as “friends” of the poor, and her testimony on their behalf was shown on state-owned television for weeks. Bizarrely, she also visited the grave of brutal Communist dictator Enver Hoxha in 1990, laying a wreath of flowers on the tomb of a man who had viciously suppressed religion in Teresa’s native Albania. The list also includes the Nicaraguan contras, a Catholic terrorist group who unleashed death squads on the civilian population in their bid to conquer the country.
Teresa was also a friend to Charles Keating, a conservative Catholic fundamentalist who served on an anti-pornography commission under President Nixon. Keating would later become infamous for his role in the Savings & Loan scandal, where he was convicted of fraud, racketeering and conspiracy for his involvement in a scam where customers were deceived into buying worthless junk bonds, resulting in many of them losing their life savings. Keating had donated $1.25 million to Mother Teresa in the 1980s, and as he was awaiting sentencing, she wrote a letter to the court on his behalf asking for clemency.
The above post is a potent counter-balance to all the Mother Teresa hype.
My biggest concern with Mother Teresa was her destructive approach to family planning. How is it possible that she didn’t see the connection between the out-of-control birth rate and the resulting poverty? I suspect that she did see the connection, but was unwilling to speak the obvious. That would have caused people to stop adoring her. Further, Mother Teresa was far too enamored with the rich and famous and she was unwilling to give up that limelight. In the meantime, her irresponsible approach to family-planning created an ocean of grief which she tried to clean up, a teaspoon at a time.
Simple-minded self-ignorant acts of kindness can be destructive in the aggregate. Mother Teresa’s advocacy of the lack of family planning is on a continuum with all of those politicians who kiss all those babies (perhaps because they really do like babies), but then go back to Washington to rip away their health care coverage.
To cap it all off, Mother Teresa was intellectually dishonest, living a closeted a life as an agnostic while publicly proclaiming her alleged great faith.
There’s not nearly as much work for saints to do when we all start living responsibly and honestly, focusing on the root causes of problems.


ps.qata me t'kuqe mos e marrsh vesh ,thuj googlit ta pźrkthen ...ta sjelli edhe foton kur e ka vizitu,sapo ta gjeje .Dakor?!

Naten tani!

ok, faktet jane fakte. U binda.

Bajlozi i Zi Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 27-06-12, 07:16   #80
Avatari i sherri
Anėtarėsuar: 13-06-05
Vendndodhja: Rruga e qumshtit Nr- 3
Postime: 4,740
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Gabim Re: Lajmi i mire

Tėrnava dhe Mustafa vizituan truallin pėr Xhaminė e Re

Myftiu i Kosovės, Naim Tėrnava me bashkėpunėtorė, sė bashku me kryetarin e Prishtinės, Isa Mustafa, vizituan sot paradite truallin pėr Xhaminė e Re, qė e ka ndarė Komuna e Prishtinės tek vendi i quajtur "Blloku III i ndėrtesave" afėr PTK-sė, nė Dardani.Fillimisht Myftiu Tėrnava dhe Mustafa panė nga afėr punėt qė po kryhen nė shpimet gjeomekanike nė truallin e ndarė nga komuna pėr xhami.

Me kėtė rast Myftiu Tėrnava u shpreh: "Nė emėr tė Kryesisė sė BI tė Kosovės, nė emėr tė besimtarėve dhe nė emėr tė gjithė qytetarėve tė Kosovės, dėshiroj qė tė falėnderoj kryetarin e Prishtinės, tė gjithė kėshilltarėt e Kuvendit komunal, stafin e komunės dhe tė gjithė ata qė u angazhuan qė kjo parcelė tė ndahet pėr ndėrtimin xhamisė qė ka qenė nevojė e kamotshme, dhe njėherėsh ishte edhe kėrkesė e vazhdueshme e Bashkėsi Islame qė tė kemi njė vend ku besimtarėt tanė tė kenė mundėsi tė kryejnė ritet e tyre, ibadet adhurimet pėr tė Madhin Zot".

"Besoj qė shpejt ne do jemi gati qė tė vėmė gurthemelin e xhamisė sė re, bashkė me kryetarin e Prishtinės dhe me pėrfaqėsuesit e institucioneve tė tjera tė Kosovės dhe shpresoj do tė ndodh nė gjatė muajit tė Ramazanit", tha ndėr tė tjera Myftiu Tėrnava.

Ndėrsa kryetari i Prishtinės, Isa Mustafa tha se "kemi pas orientime tė ndryshme me caktimin e lokacionit, gjithherė kemi qenė tė interesuar qė tė caktohet njė lokacion qė kishte hapėsirė tė mjaftueshme, pėr njė xhami tė madhe sepse ka qene vlerėsimi i BIK qė tė zgjidh problemin. Ėshtė obligim i yni qė tė krijojmė kushte normale pėr tė gjithė, nė rend tė parė pėr BIK si komuniteti mė i madh. Prishtina po ashtu ka bėrė zgjidhje pėr konfeksion katolik. Ne kemi investuar edhe nė objekte tjera siē ėshtė rasti nė restaurimin e xhamisė sė ēarshisė e cila do tė rikonstruohet dhe do tė duke shume bukur".

I pyetur nga gazetarėt pėr financimin e ndėrtimit tė xhamisė Myftiu Tėrnava tha: "Nuk kam pikė dyshimi se kėtė xhami do ta ndėrtojnė besimtarėt, jo vetėm tė Kosovės por besimtarėt e trojeve tona etnike shqiptare, qė do tė marrin pjesė me donacionet e tyre pėr ndėrtimin e xhamisė".

Thuaje tė pa shkruarėn,shkruaj tė pa thėnėn!

Toleranca, ka kuptimin e pėrafėrt me durimin. (Dilaver Kosova)
sherri Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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