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Dr Ibrahim Rugova 1944 - 2006 Mė 21 janar 2006 pushon sė rrahuri zemra e Presidentit tė Parė tė Kosovės, Dr Ibrahim Rugova

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Vjetėr 21-01-06, 22:10   #46
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Televizioni Gjerman ZDF Informon mbi vdekjen e Simbolit dhe strategut tė pavarsisė sė kosovės -Dr Rugovės.,00.html
""""""""Nuk ka jetė pa vuajtje,
""""""""""""""nuk ka vuajtje pa shkak,
""""""""""""""""""""por nuk ka shkak qė nuk mund tė tejkalohet
Naki Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
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Vjetėr 21-01-06, 23:08   #47
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Kondoliza Rajs: Presidenti Rugova e udhėhoqi popullin e tij nė kohė tė vėshtira dhe fitoi respektin e botės


Sekretarja amerikane e Shtetit, Kondoliza Rajs, i shprehu tė shtunėn ngushėllimet e saj popullit tė Kosovės pėr vdekjen e Presidentit Ibrahim Rugova.

Pėrmes njė deklarate, Sekretarja e Shtetit thekson se Presidenti Rugova e udhėhoqi popullin e tij nė kohė tė vėshtira dhe fitoi respektin e botės, pėr pėrpjekjet e tij pėr demokraci dhe paqe. Edhe nė momentet e fundit kur luftonte me sėmundjen, Presidenti Rugova punoi pėr tė sjellė unitet mes udhėheqėsve tė Kosovės dhe shpresė pėr popullin e tij”.

“Vdekja e Presidentit Rugova, thuhet mė tej nė deklaratėn e zonjės Rajs, ndodh nė njė moment kur Kosova ka hyrė nė procesin politik pėr tė pėrcaktuar tė ardhmen e saj”.

Zonja Rajs thekson se megjithė humbjen e udhėheqėsit, procesi do tė vazhdojė. Shtetet e Bashkuara, shton mė tej Sekretarja e Shtetit, do tė punojnė me tė gjithė banorėt e Kosovės pėr tė ndėrtuar njė shoqėri tė bazuar tek parimet e demokracisė, tė drejtat e njeriut dhe toleranca ndėr-etnike, qė Presidenti Rugova i vlerėsonte kaq shumė. //az//
Aj, qė shkon tuj mjellė e tuj hapė fjalė tė kqija e gergasa herė per njanin herė per tjetrin, me gojė tė kanunit thirret »Argat i keq«.
Dilaver Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 00:39   #48
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Jan. 21, 2006, 10:56AM

Kosovo's President Ibrahim Rugova is seen in this photo taken Dec. 23, 2005, the last time he was seen in public. Rugova, who had been suffering from lung cancer, died on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 according to officials. Rugova had been at the forefront of ethnic Albanian demand for independence from Serbia since the early 1990s, when he started leading a nonviolent movement against the policies of Slobodan Milosevic, then president of Yugoslavia.

Rugova's Death Halts Kosovo's Quest

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro — Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova, the ethnic Albanian leader and embodiment of the province's decades-long struggle for independence from Serbia, died of lung cancer Saturday without seeing his dream fulfilled. He was 61.

The United Nations currently administers Kosovo, and Rugova's death leaves the province's political scene in disarray at the most sensitive time since the end of the 1998-99 war between Yugoslav government forces and Kosovo Liberation Army.

The United Nations immediately postponed until February the first formal U.N.-mediated talks between Serbs and ethnic Albanians to determine the future status of Kosovo.

The negotiations were set to start in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday. The ethnic Albanian majority wants full independence, but Serbs want Kosovo to remain part of Serbia-Montenegro, the union that replaced Yugoslavia after the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

The conflict drew in the United States in 1999, when America and its NATO allies launched a bombing campaign against Serbia to halt a Serb government crackdown on ethnic Albanians.

Called the "Gandhi of the Balkans" in an allusion to the Indian leader's epic campaign for his nation's independence, Rugova was elected the province's first president in 2002. A chain smoker, he was diagnosed with lung cancer in September.

He maintained regular meetings with Western politicians, insisting on recognition of the province's independence even as he struggled at times to catch his breath.

"He carried his battle with cancer with great dignity and courage until his last breath," Rugova spokesman Muhamet Hamiti said. "He was surrounded by his family, personal physician and American physicians who were treating him."

Tearful staff, bodyguards and neighbors gathered outside Rugova's home. Pristina's streets were empty, with people glued to their radios and television screens. The flag at his residence in Pristina was lowered to half staff and television stations switched to playing classical music.

"He put us on a right path and taught us to be patient. With his wisdom we have gained this freedom," said retired Pristina resident Jonuz Gashi, his voice shaking.

Serbs in the province and in Serbia insist the province that they view as the cradle of their culture remain part of Serbia-Montenegro, the union that replaced what remained of Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanians in the province _ a 90 percent-plus majority _ demand full independence.

With his trademark scarf wrapped around his neck, Rugova had cult status for some of his ethnic group. He was the living symbol of their demand for independence from Serbia since the early 1990s, when he led the nonviolent struggle against Serbian repression under Slobodan Milosevic, then-president of Yugoslavia.

Rugova won international respect through the peaceful nature of his opposition to Serb dominance, in contrast with other Kosovo Albanians now in leadership positions, who were part of the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army that fought Serb troops.

Adelina, a 34-year-old economist who would not give her surname, said Rugova's death clouds the province's future.

"It is a great loss. There is insecurity to come. With him there was stability because people trusted him," she said.

The party he created, the Democratic League of Kosovo, is faction-ridden. The party is in a coalition with the smaller Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, led by former rebel commander Ramush Haradinaj, who has been indicted for war crimes by a U.N. court in The Hague, Netherlands.

The head of parliament, Nexhat Daci, is expected to be named acting president until the parliament chooses a new leader.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Tė gjithė e din se si dukem, por askush se di se kush jam nė tė vėrtet!!!!!
Luana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 04:05   #49
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Robert Ostin, Toronto:i indinjuar flet ne telefon:
Njeriun me te menqur qe kam takuar der tani...
Humbje e madhe per Kosoven...!
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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 05:15   #50
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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ibrahim Rugova — a statesman without a state

By Matthew Robinson

Six years on, his death coincides with United Nations-led talks, which the Albanian majority expects to bring Kosovo independence in 2006

KOSOVO Albanian President Ibrahim Rugova, who died on Saturday, spent the last 15 of his 61 years pursuing the dream of independence from dominant Serbia.

Architect of a parallel Kosovo state in the 1990s to defy Serb oppression, the Sorbonne-educated literature expert led a decade of passive resistance after Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic revoked the province’s autonomy in 1989.

The “Gandhi of the Balkans” clung to the same tactics in the 1990s while Croatia and Bosnia were consumed by ethnic war. Kosovo Albanians tolerated a form of Balkan apartheid, but ran their own underground schools and hospitals.

But Rugova underestimated his people’s readiness to die for independence. He was sidelined by the 1998-99 guerrilla insurgency of the Kosovo Liberation Army - which drew NATO into its first, “humanitarian”, war to drive out Serb forces.

Rugova rebounded to become interim president twice and stayed at the helm of the province’s largest political party, winning elections with relative ease.

Six years on, his death coincides with United Nations-led talks which the Albanian majority expects to bring Kosovo independence in 2006.

A native of fertile and picturesque western Kosovo, Rugova was thrust into politics in the 1980s as president of the Kosovo Writers’ Association, the traditional heart of the ethnic Albanian opposition movement.

His politicisation coincided with the rise to power in Belgrade of Milosevic, a former communist apparatchik riding a wave of Serb nationalism rooted in the defence of Kosovo as the sacred birthplace of the Serb nation.

Responding to Serb anger at the “Albanianisation” of Kosovo, nearly 90 percent of whose population were by now ethnic Albanians, Milosevic in 1989 revoked the autonomous status granted it under former Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz “Tito”, promising Serbs their pre-eminence would never be threatened.

Rugova’s Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) simply turned the other cheek, systematically ignoring the state institutions of their Serb masters. He twice became president in elections not recognised beyond Kosovo’s mountainous borders.

But as war ripped through Yugoslavia in the 1990s, ethnic Albanians saw the secession of Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia and Bosnia as a sign pacifism had failed.

Quick comeback: The popular mood swung in favour of armed struggle and the guerrillas who came down from the mountains in 1997.

Their war and Milosevic’s brutal response culminated in a 78-day NATO bombing campaign to drive out Serb forces accused of killing 10,000 civilians and expelling 800,000.

Criticised for spending most of the war in the West, Rugova hit rock bottom when he appeared on Serbian television grinning nervously and shaking hands with Milosevic in Belgrade.

Rugova said he had been kidnapped. He fled to Italy, his credibility crushed.

The war ended in June 1999 and Albanian attention turned to creating a new society under temporary UN stewardship.

Popular support swung back to Rugova, the benevolent, charismatic and widely known elder statesman. He was helped by a perception of the guerrillas-turned-politicians as corrupt and mired in organised crime.

Instantly recognisable by his silk scarf - often in the red and black colours of the Albanian national flag - Rugova sometimes seemed a rather doddery, other-worldly figure.

The government he formed in December 2004 with burly former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj, who became prime minister but then surrendered to the Hague tribunal on war crimes charges, was a marriage more of convenience than of minds.

Riven by factionalism and with no apparent successor to Rugova, the LDK seems destined for a messy power struggle that could see the former rebel commanders coming to the fore again. reuters
merrne me mend ēka thuhet ne fund/deshirohet nga shume vete...!
Kosove, deshira/mundi i tij infinit te shpetofte nga e keqja...
Humbja e tij fizike kercenon Kosoven/popullin!

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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 05:17   #51
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Kosovo President Rugova dies


Posted online: Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 0039 hours IST

PRISTINA, JANUARY 21: Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova, architect of the ethnic Albanian drive to win independence from Serbia, died on Saturday, four months after announcing that he had lung cancer, said his spokesman Muhamet Hamiti. The PM had called an urgent Cabinet session at 3 pm, said sources.

The death was a few days before the United Nations was to begin a Belgrade-Pristina negotiation to decide whether Kosovo’s 90 per cent ethnic Albanians should be independent. Rugova, 61, has no definite successor in his faction-ridden Democratic League of Kosovo or head of the Kosovo negotiating team, which he was expected to lead. Western diplomats are worried about a possible messy power struggle.

The Sorbonne-educated literature professor was the architect of the decade-old passive resistance since 1989, when former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic stripped the province of autonomy.
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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 05:23   #52
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Death of Kosovo's President Leaves Vacuum

The Associated Press
Saturday, January 21, 2006; 8:45 PM

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro -- Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova died of lung cancer Saturday, leaving the province's fractious political scene in disarray just before the start of crucial talks on whether it should gain the independence from Serbia that was his lifelong dream.
His departure leaves a leadership vacuum at the most sensitive time since the Kosovo war ended in 1999.

Kosovo officials on Saturday Jan 21 2006 announced that Rugova, who had been suffering from lung cancer, has died. Rugova, who came to embody ethnic Albanians' struggle for independence from Serbia, was officially diagnosed with lung cancer last September.

International leaders appealed for calm and unity in the disputed U.N.-administered province. The Serb government expressed fears that Rugova's successor might not share his commitment to nonviolence.

The much-anticipated talks between ethnic Albanians and Serb officials to determine Kosovo's future had been scheduled to begin Wednesday in Vienna, Austria. But the talks were postponed until February following the death of the man who came to embody ethnic Albanian aspirations for independence.

Rugova, 61, was surrounded by family at his home in Pristina when he died just before midday, said his spokesman, Muhamet Hamiti.

"He carried his battle with cancer with great dignity and courage until his last breath," Hamiti said.

The flag at Rugova's hillside residence was lowered to half-staff, and tearful employees, bodyguards and neighbors gathered outside his home. Pristina's streets were empty, with people glued to their radios and television screens.

Rugova often was called the "Gandhi of the Balkans" _ an allusion to the Indian leader's epic nonviolent campaign for his nation's independence. He had been at the center of Kosovo politics for more than 15 years, leading the nonviolent struggle against repression under former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

With his trademark scarf wrapped around his neck, Rugova had gained cult status among some ethnic Albanians. The chain-smoking politician, whose 2002 election made him the province's first president since the United Nations took over Kosovo's administration, was diagnosed with cancer in September.

While he was undergoing treatment, Rugova continued regular meetings with Western politicians, insisting on recognition of the province's independence even as he struggled at times to catch his breath.

His death comes as the restive province of 2 million embarks on a delicate process of negotiating a solution that ethnic Albanians _ a 90 percent-plus majority _ hope will end in full independence. The Serb minority in Kosovo and in Serbia insist the province they view as the cradle of their culture remain part of Serbia-Montenegro, the union that replaced what remained of Yugoslavia.

Kosovo has been run by the United Nations since NATO launched a bombing campaign to end a Serb crackdown on ethnic Albanian rebel separatists in 1999.
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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 05:29   #53
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Death of Kosovo's President Leaves Vacuum
faqja e dyte

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he believed Rugova's death "will not disrupt this process," and his envoy appointed to oversee the difficult status talks, former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, said he hoped they would soon resume.

"I'm certain that President Rugova would have liked to see that we will proceed with the status negotiations," Ahtisaari said in Helsinki. "I also express the hope that the situation will remain calm."

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said "the people of Kosovo have lost a great leader."

"President Rugova led his people through challenging times and earned the world's respect for his advocacy of democracy and peace," she said. "The United States will continue to work with all the people of Kosovo to build a society based upon the principles of democracy, human rights and inter-ethnic tolerance that President Rugova valued so deeply."

French President Jacques Chirac urged those involved in the talks to continue in Rugova's "spirit of realism, tolerance and dialogue."

Kosovo's main leaders made a joint statement with the province's U.N. administrator, Soren Jessen-Petersen, attempting to assuage fears about the future.

"Together with the people (of Kosovo) we are united in our determination to see Kosovo continue on its path toward a peaceful and prosperous future," said the statement read by Jessen-Petersen.

However, the Serbian government expressed anxiety that Rugova's successor would not share his commitment to nonviolence. The Serbian government representative for Kosovo, Sandra Raskovic-Ivic, said from Belgrade that other Kosovo Albanian leaders had been involved in attacks against the province's Serb minority.

"I do not trust them very much" she said. "I am worried if someone from that echelon takes his place, somebody who would incite unrest and violence to achieve independence."

Nexhat Daci, the head of Kosovo's assembly, likely will serve as acting president. While greeting mourners at Rugova's residence, he pledged the province will "not lose its drive and its calm."

"Kosovo is in deep mourning," said Daci, sitting in a chair next to the one usually reserved for Rugova.
Rugova's death leaves ethnic Albanians grappling with possible succession battles.

No other Kosovo politician has been held in such high regard. He won international respect through his peaceful opposition to Serb dominance, in contrast to other Kosovo Albanians now in positions of leadership, who were part of the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army.

The party he created, the Democratic League of Kosovo, is fraught with divisions that could be exacerbated by his death. The party currently is in a coalition with the smaller Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, led by Ramush Haradinaj, a former rebel commander indicted for war crimes by a U.N. court in The Hague, Netherlands.


Rugova is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.
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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 05:37   #54
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Kosovo independence icon Rugova dies, leaving vacuum
21 Jan 2006 20:14:05 GMT

Source: Reuters

Background CRISIS PROFILE: Can Kosovo put violence behind it?

(Adds Rice tribute, official mourning, details)

By Matthew Robinson

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova died of lung cancer on Saturday, leaving a leadership vacuum for ethnic Albanians on the eve of talks to secure the independence from Serbia that he championed.

"President Rugova died at home in Pristina surrounded by his close family, aides and American doctors. He passed away...after fighting this illness with great bravery and extraordinary morality," said a statement from the Kosovo presidency.

The Kosovo parliament said the funeral would take place on Wednesday, the day the United Nations was due to begin direct negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina to decide whether Kosovo's 90-percent ethnic Albanian majority wins independence or remains part of Serbia as Belgrade insists.

Wednesday's talks in Vienna would be rescheduled for early February, U.N. special envoy Martti Ahtisaari said.

Rugova, 61, had been under care at his villa since being diagnosed with lung cancer last September at a U.S. military hospital in Germany.

He died without seeing the independence he worked for most of his adult life. However, virtually all of the people he led today demand self-determination from Serbia.

In accordance with the rules of Kosovo interim institutions, parliamentary speaker Nexhat Daci was appointed acting president. Parliament, which announced five days of mourning, must choose a replacement within three months.

Rugova has no clear successor in his faction-ridden Democratic League of Kosovo and no plans for his replacement at the helm of the Kosovo negotiating team have been announced.


Western diplomats are concerned at the prospect of a messy power-struggle at such a crucial moment.

It's not the (death) itself it's the political wrangling that comes after that's the issue," said a Western diplomat

Kosovo's most popular politician is former guerrilla fighter and ex-prime minister Ramush Haradinaj. However, he is on provisional release from the Hague tribunal pending trial for war crimes.

Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovic said Rugova left "a big gap in the political scene and I'm afraid a struggle among Albanian political parties will start right now".

Tributes came from the United States, the United Nations and the European Union.

In a statement, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice paid tribute to Rugova's leadership, adding: "The United States will continue to work with all the people of Kosovo to build a society based upon the principles of democracy, human rights and inter-ethnic tolerance that President Rugova valued so deeply."

French President Jacques Chirac praised the "historical role and political courage that drove Ibrahim Rugova to defend the democratic rights of the Kosovan people..."

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Rugova's death occurred "at a crucial moment of final preparations for the talks on Kosovo's future status".


Serbian President Boris Tadic sent his condolences and said he hoped Rugova's death would not disrupt efforts to find a peaceful compromise on the province's future status.

A powerful figurehead who served two terms as president, Rugova had been expected to steer the Kosovo team through several months of negotiations with the Serbs.

Legally part of Serbia, Kosovo has been run by the United Nations since 1999, when NATO bombing drove out Serb forces accused of atrocities against Albanian civilians in a two-year war with separatist guerrillas.

Instantly recognisable by his silk scarf -- often in the red and black colours of the Albanian national flag -- Rugova sometimes seemed a rather doddery, other-worldly figure.

The Sorbonne-educated literature professor was the architect of a decade of passive resistance to Serb domination from 1989, when former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic stripped the province of its autonomy.

He created a parallel Kosovo state in the 1990s to defy Serb oppression. Dubbed the "Gandhi of the Balkans", he clung to passive tactics in the 1990s while Croatia and Bosnia were consumed by conflict. Albanians tolerated a form of Balkan apartheid, but ran their own underground schools and hospitals.

(Additional reporting by Shaban Buza)
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Ibrahim Rugova
Urata Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 22-01-06, 08:31   #55
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Kercovari e ka pezulluar reputacionin
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Rugova entgeht Anschlag
von Agron Sadiku

Der „ Präsident“ Kosovas, Ibrahim Rugova ist am Dienstag Morgen den 15.03.05 knapp einem Anschlag entkommen. Ein Sprengsatz explodierte, als der Präsidentenkonvoi gerade die Straße „ Agim Ramadami“ im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Prishtina passierte. Das Auto Rugovas wurde schwer beschädigt er selbst ist aber unverletzt dem Anschlag entkommen. Einige Passanten wurden leicht verletzt und viele Fensterscheiben gingen zu Bruch. Die Bombe wurde ferngezündet. Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich in der Nähe eines Regierungsgebäudes.

Rugova befand sich auf dem Weg zu einem Treffen mit dem EU Außenbeauftragten Solana. Das Gespräch mit Solana fand nach dem Anschlag statt. Alle großen Parteien in Kosova haben das Attentat verurteilt. Auch die oppositionelle PDK und die „Bürgerbewegung ORA“ Jedoch wird in Kosova wild spekuliert wer hinter dem Anschlag steckt. Die Meinungen reichen von „Aktion des serbischen Geheimdienstes“, bis hin zu der Annahme es handle sich um eine „Racheaktion“ in Sachen Ramush Haradinaj.

Kosova in einer entscheidenden Phase

Selten waren die Spannungen zwischen der UNMIK und der albanischen Bevölkerung so stark wie heute. Die UNMIK wird für das immer stärker werdende soziale Desaster und die ungelöste Statusfrage verantwortlich gemacht. Gleichzeitig verschärft sich der Interessensgegensatz zwischen den imperialen Mächten um die Frage, wie die Zukunft Kosovas auszusehen hat. Es gibt mehrere Haltungen zu diesem Punkt.

Serbien, unterstützt von Rußland sowie von einigen anderen Staaten, betrachtet immer noch Kosova „als Bestandteil Serbiens“. Vor einigen Wochen betonte dies in provokanter Form der serbische Präsidente Tadic mehrfach. Er weilte zu einem „Besuch“ in Kosova. Dieser „Besuch“ Anfang Februar versetzte die NATO Soldaten in immer längere Phasen der Alarmbereitschaft. Die Haltung Deutschlands und Frankreichs läuft auf ein EU Protektorat Kosova hinaus, denn die UNMIK wird für „unproduktiv“ gehalten. Die albanischen Parteien setzen auf die Unabhängigkeit und finden teils offene Ohren auf Seiten der US-Administration. In diesem Durcheinander sollen ab Mitte Juni offizielle Verhandlungen über den Status des Gebietes stattfinden.

Um die serbische Seite an den Verhandlungstisch zu locken, wurde gegen Ramush Haradinaj Anklage durch das Tribunal in Den Haag erhoben. Am Mittwoch den 9. März stellte sich der gewesene kosovarische Ministerpräsident Haradinaj freiwillig mit zwei Gefährten dem Tribunal in den Haag. Die Beweislage des Tribunals ist mehr als dürftig. Der bereits laufende Prozess gegen Fatmir Limaj und Genossen scheint für die Anklage ein Debakel zu werden. Demzufolge berichtet die bundesdeutsche Presse nichts über das Verfahren gegen Limaj und andere.

Der Vorsitzende der „Demokratischen Partei der Askahli Kosovas“ Sabit Rrahmani stellte sich der Verteidigung von Haradinaj zu Verfügung „um Haradinajs Unschuld zu beweisen“. In der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung vom 13.3.05 schrieb ein ehemaliger deutscher Berufsdiplomat unter dem Titel „Wer ist Ramush Haradinaj“ einen gehässigen Artikel. Der Herr auf den sich auch die „Junge Welt“ beruft, konnte aber nur berichten, dass ihm im Jahr 1998 Haradinaj „das Leben gerettet hat“. Zudem berichtet er von „einem freundlichen Menschen mit natürlicher Autorität“. Der TAZ „Balkan Experte“ „Rathefelder“ nannte Haradinaj einen „bösartigen Kriegsverbrecher. Die bundesdeutsche Presse von Welt bis Junge Welt ist sich einig in der Verurteilung Haradinajs. Dennoch kommen die bürgerlichen Zeitungen nicht umhin von der Erregung in Kosova, wegen der Anklage gegen Haradinaj zu berichten.

Eins ist, ohne den Prozess vorwegnehmen zu wollen, klar, das Tribunal ist keine „antiserbische Einrichtung“ wie bestimmte Kreise nicht müde werden zu betonen. Faktisch die gesamte ehemalige bosnische Militärführung befindet sich in Den Haag, zudem gibt es nicht nur die Klage des Tribunals gegen Haradinaj und Limaj, nein in Kosova sind die Gefängnisse voll mit ehemaligen UCK Kommandanten. In Wahrheit ist das Tribunal ein politisches Instrument bestimmter westlicher Staaten um die Rolle des hegemonialen Schiedsrichters auf dem Balkan abzusichern.

Nach dem Anschlag auf Rugova und dem Fall Haradinaj

In Kosova wurde am 8. März 05 die Alarmbereitschaft für 19.000 NATO Soldaten offiziell verkündet. Die Bundeswehr erhöhte ihr Kontingent um 600 Mann. Allerdings ist es unmittelbar nach dem freiwilligen Rücktritt von Haradinaj relativ ruhig geblieben. Am 8. März demonstrierte der Studentenverband in Prishtina für Haradinaj und gegen die UNMIK. Auch an anderen Orten gab es friedliche Demonstrationen. Alle Parteien sprachen sich für legale Protestformen aus. Es wäre auch in der Tat eine Dummheit, in der jetzigen Situation bewaffnete Aktionen zu unternehmen, mit dehnen die NATO rechnete und die der serbische Staat erhofft. Die Handgranate gegen das UNMIK Gebäude in Prishtina am 14.3.05 und die Handgranate auf einen UNMIK Stützpunkt in Gijane sind wahrscheinlich das Produkt individueller Verzweiflung. Der Anschlag gegen den Konvoi von Rugova ist mit ziemlicher Sicherheit das Werk eines Geheimdienstes.

Agron Sadiku

Quellen 15.3.05;; Koha Ditore 10.03.03; Zeri 10. 03.05
Diellin,vetėm tė marrėt mundohen
tė mbulojn me shoshė....
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Vjetėr 22-01-06, 09:49   #56
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TV A 1 Shkup

Qeveria dhe partit opozitare te Maqedonis shpresojne se vdekja e Prisidentit Rugova nuk do te destabilizoje regjionin.

Kryetari i Maqedonis Cervenkoski
Largimi i Rugoves erdhi ne momentin me te veshtire per Kosoven dhe regjionin.Shpreh ngushullimet e mia te sincerta.

Kryetari i Qeveris Buckoski
Shpresoj se largimi i Rugoves,nuk do te paraqes penges per proceset e metutjeshem ne regjion,si dhe per statusin aktual te Kosoves.

Eshte humbje e madhe per ne,dhe shpresojme se do te mbizoteroj paqa ne Kosove dhe ne te gjithe regjionin.

Partit Shqiptare
Jo vetem Kosova, por i gjithe regjioni ka humbe njeriun e paqes.

PDSH-Menduh Thaqi
Presidenti Rugova ishte njeriu me tipik i Ballkanit.Te gjithe lideret tjere te popujve dhe shteteve tjera shkaktuan luftra dhe gjakderdhje.Ai gjithe kohen punoj per paqen.

PPD-Abduladi Vejseli
Ishte dhe do te mbetet simboli i pavaresis Kosoves.Me plote te drejte mund te quaje "Gandi i Ballkanit".

Ali Ahmeti
Prisidenti Rugova per mua ishte dhe mbetet politikan qe luajti rolin me te madhe per pavarsi te kosoves.
Ngushullime me te sincerta familjes dhe popullit te Kosoves.

Te gjithe partit politike Shqiptare paralajmeruan pjesmarrje ne ceremonin mortore te Dr.Ibrahim Rugova,po edhe qeveritare te Maqedonis.
Diellin,vetėm tė marrėt mundohen
tė mbulojn me shoshė....
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Vjetėr 22-01-06, 09:59   #57
"Mistrece Gjakovare"
Avatari i Zana_ch
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Nach schwerer Erkrankung gestorben

Bereits in den vergangenen Wochen hatte sich der Gesundheitszustand Rugovas verschlechtert.

Der Präsident des Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova, ist 61-jährig gestorben. Das teilten am Samstag kosovarische und westliche Vertreter in der Hauptstadt Pristina mit, wie Associated Press (AP) meldete.

Lungenkrebs diagnostiziert

Seit September 2005 war bekannt, dass Rugova an Lungenkrebs litt.

Der Gesundheitszustand von Präsident Rugova hatte sich in den vergangenen Wochen verschlechtert, wenngleich Medien in Pristina angekündigt hatten, dass er demnächst seinen Amtspflichten wieder nachkommen werde.

Krisensitzung in Pristina

Den Angaben zufolge kamen die Regierungsparteien sowie Vertreter der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) und der NATO in Pristina zu einer Krisensitzung zusammen.

Nach den Bestimmungen der Kosovo-Verfassung wird Parlamentspräsident Nexhad Daci interimistisch die Funktionen des Präsidenten bis zur Wahl eines Nachfolgers ausüben.

UNO hofft auf "ruhige Lage"

Der UNO-Sondergesandte für die Verhandlungen über den Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, sprach sich für eine Verschiebung der Direktgespräche zwischen Belgrad und Pristina aus. Die Gespräche hätten am Mittwoch in Wien beginnen sollen.

Er hoffe, die Situation im Kosovo werde "ruhig bleiben und die Verfassung respektiert werden", sagte Ahtisaari zuvor bei einer Pressekonferenz. Der Kosovo-Chefverhandler drückte der Familie von Rugova sein "tiefstes Beileid" aus.

Symbolfigur im Kampf um Unabhängigkeit

Rugova galt als Symbolfigur des gewaltfreien Kampfes für die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo von Serbien. Der Politiker sollte an den Verhandlungen über den endgültigen Status der Provinz teilnehmen, die in der kommenden Woche unter Vermittlung der UNO in Wien beginnen sollen.

1992 zum Präsidenten gewählt

Rugova, der 1944 geboren wurde, stand seit 1989 an der Spitze der Demokratischen Liga des Kosovo (LDK), die im damaligen Jugoslawien einen albanischen Parallelstaat in der südserbischen Provinz Kosovo errichtete.

Bei der von den Belgrader Behörden nicht anerkannten Präsidentenwahl in der Provinz war er 1992 zum Präsidenten des Kosovo gewählt worden. Dieses Amt hat er nach Wahlsiegen im Jahr 2002 und 2004 weiter inne. Seit dem Kosovo-Krieg 1999 steht die Provinz unter UNO-Verwaltung (UNMIK).

Mit Sacharow-Preis geehrt

Rugova war immer für eine friedliche Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts eingetreten. Das Europaparlament hatte den Pazifisten 1998 mit dem Sacharow-Preis geehrt.

Der Literaturwissenschaftler und Dichter war nach längeren Aufenthalten in Paris seit Ende der 80er Jahre zur Speerspitze des Widerstandes gegen die gewaltsame Zentralisierung durch den damaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic geworden, der heute wegen Kriegsverbrechen in Den Haag vor Gericht steht.

Schüssel: "Starke Persönlichkeit"

Bundeskanzler Wolfgang Schüssel (ÖVP) nahm die Nachricht vom Tod Rugovas mit Betroffenheit zur Kenntnis.

"Ibrahim Rugova hat mit seiner starken Persönlichkeit die Politik in Südosteuropa entscheidend mitgeprägt. Er hat sich für eine friedliche Lösung im Kosovo-Konflikt eingesetzt und ohne Rücksicht auf seinen eigenen Gesundheitszustand für die Zukunft des Kosovo gearbeitet", sagte Schüssel laut einer Aussendung am Samstag.
Kėrkoje vetė fatin, me jetėn mos u grind, urrejtja fitohet ... Dashuria lind !
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Vjetėr 22-01-06, 10:00   #58
Avatari i Arb
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-04
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Bill Klinton: Rugova mė impresiononte me devotshmėrinė dhe pasionin e tij

Uashington 22 janar - Ish Presidenti amerikan Bill Klinton ka shprehur dhembjen e tij tė thellė pėr vdekjen e Presidentit Rugova, duke e cilėsuar humbje tė madhe pėr Kosovėn.

"Nė rend tė parė, dua t'i shpreh ngushėllimet e mia tė thella popullit tė Kosovės, me rastin e vdekjes sė Presidentit Rugova.

Pėr mua ėshtė dhimbje personale, sepse pata nderin ta njoh personalisht dhe pata respekt dhe admirim tė madh pėr tė.

Me Presidentin Rugova jam takur shumė herė nė Shtėpinė e Bardhė. Ka qenė kėnaqėsi, sa herė e kam takuar, sepse ēdo herė mė impresiononte me devotshmėrinė dhe pasionin e tij pėr paqe, liri dhe pėr njė tė ardhme mė tė mirė pėr popullin e tij.

Vdekja e Presidentit Rugova ėshtė humbje e madhe pėr Kosovėn, por unė shpresoj se vdekja e Dr. Rugovės do t'i inspirojė tė gjithė kosovarėt qė tė vazhdojnė tė punojnė mė me ngulm pėr paqe dhe liri", thuhet nė njė deklaratė tė ish Presidentit amerikan Bill Klinton.
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Vjetėr 22-01-06, 10:03   #59
"Mistrece Gjakovare"
Avatari i Zana_ch
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Schweiz würdigt Rugova

Bern - «Mit tiefer Trauer» hat die Schweiz auf den Tod von Kosovo-Präsident Ibrahim Rugova reagiert.

Samstag, 21. Januar 2006 / 20:35 h

Die Eidgenossenschaft sprach den Behörden und dem Volk des Kosovo ihr Beileid aus. Bundespräsident Moritz Leuenberger würdigte vor allem das friedliche politische Engagement Rugovas. «Sein Engagement hat dazu beigetragen, dass ein Ausweg aus dem Konflikt im Kosovo gefunden werden konnte», wurde Leuenberger in einer Mitteilung des Eidg. Departements für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK) zitiert.
Grosse Figur der Region

Rugova, der seit 4. März 2002 Präsident der abtrünnigen Serbenprovinz war, werde als grosse Figur der Region in Erinnerung bleiben, schrieb auch das Eidg.
Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) in einem Communiqué. Als Philosoph, Schriftsteller, politischer Verantwortungsträger und schliesslich als Staatsmann habe Rugova auf moderate Art das Streben der Provinz nach Unabhängigkeit vertreten. Gross seien auch seine Verdienste auf dem Weg zu Direktverhandlungen über den künftigen Status des Kosovo.
Enge Bindung

Zwischen der Schweiz und dem Kosovo bestünden viele Bande, hält das EDA weiter fest. So beteilige sich die Schweiz mit einem Swisscoy- Kontingent in Suva Reka an der Mission der Vereinten Nationen (UNO). Umgekehrt lebten heute fast 200 000 Kosovaren in der Schweiz, was rund zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung des Kosovo entspricht. Die Schweiz könne der Entwicklung in der Region deshalb nicht gleichgültig gegenüber stehen.
Feines politisches Gespür

Aussenministerin Micheline Calmy-Rey traf Rugova Ende Juli vergangenen Jahres anlässlich ihres Arbeitsbesuch im Kosovo. Nach EDA-Angaben erlebte Calmy-Rey den Präsidenten damals als Menschen mit feinem politischen Gespür und grosser moralischer Autorität. Calmy-Rey habe Rugova damals die Schweizer Position erläutert, schreibt das EDA. Bern befürwortet demnach eine formelle Unabhängigkeit, die am Ende eines Verhandlungsprozesses unter Ägide der internationalen Gemeinschaft stehen soll
Kėrkoje vetė fatin, me jetėn mos u grind, urrejtja fitohet ... Dashuria lind !
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Vjetėr 22-01-06, 10:10   #60
Avatari i Arb
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-04
Vendndodhja: Little Dardania, NEW YORK
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Engel: Kjo humbje nuk do tė pengojė negociatat pėr zgjidhjen e statusit tė Kosovės

22 janar 2006 /TN

Zėri i Amerikės (21.01.2006) - Njė nga miqtė mė tė ngushtė tė Dr. Rugovės kėtu nė Shtetet e Bashkuara, anėtari i Dhomės sė Pėrfaqėsuesve tė Kongresit amerikan, Eliot Engel, i tha Zėrit tė Amerikės se e ndjente thellė humbjen e Presidentit Rugova por shfaqi shpresėn se kjo humbje nuk do tė pengojė negociatat pėr zgjidhjen e statusit tė Kosovės.

Doktor Rugova ia kushtoi gjithė jetėn luftės pėr pavarėsinė e Kosovės dhe ėshtė pėr tė ardhur keq qė tani ai nuk jeton mė pėr ta parė realizimin e saj.

Por mendoj se ne tė gjithė mund tė mėsojmė prej tij dhe tė pėrdorim shembullin e tij duke luftuar pėr pavarėsinė e Kosovės, tha zoti Engel.

Mendoj, tha ai, se nė Kosovė ka shumė udhėheqės tė mirė nė procesin politik por unė do t'u bėja thirrje atyre qė tė flasin me tė njėjtin zė dhe jo tė luftojnė me njėri-tjetrin.

Ata duhet ta shfrytėzojnė kėtė ngjarje tragjike si njė nxitje pėr tė ecur pėrpara dhe pėr tė mos hequr nga vemendja objektivin e tyre madh, tha zoti Engel.

Do tė ishte tragjedi, tha ai, nėse vdekja e Dr. Rugovės do tė bėnte qė partitė e ndryshme politike nė Kosovė tė fillonin tė luftonin midis tyre dhe tė mos bashkoheshin.

Isha nė Kosovė para pak muajsh dhe pėrsėri mbeta i mrekulluar nga vullneti dhe inteligjenca e popullit tė saj. E pėrsėris, tha zoti Engel, se nė parlamentin dhe qeverinė e Kosovė ka shumė politikanė dhe udhėheqės tė talentuar.

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